Thread: Air Leak
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Old 19-05-2010, 23:55
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Default Air Leak

I finished fitting the T25 and was enjoying the new power (for 2 days) when BANG, it started sounding like a tractor with what sounded like and exhaust leak.

I suspected the original S12 Turbo Elbow as I used 3 bolts as suggested elsewhere on here. So picked an S13 Elbow up from SXOC and fitted this cutting off the obligatory gearbox lug to make it fit.

Everything tightened up and still the horrible sound. Took it to Custompipes in Doncaster and had a FABBO full stainless system make up for £300 and still the horrible sound.

When you put your hand up the engine side of the exhaust/elbow joint from underneath you can feel the leak but Ryan at Custompipes is adamant it is coming from above somewhere and I would believe it looking at his workmanship on the exhaust.

Where would this be coming from, I am sure everything is tightened up properly and yet I still have the leak. So frustrating
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