Thread: Cursed cars...
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Old 19-06-2010, 14:59
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PukkaSilvia PukkaSilvia is offline
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i had a cursed gearbox in my escort rs turbo. lol
It began when i was driving the car and it got jammed in first gear.

Stripped the box down and found no issues then put it together and was fine. turned the box back the correct way on the workbench and it jammed again. I chucked in a spare box for the time being.
Soon as i had that new box in the car was cursed. lol. I was going down the m25 near the tunnell at 1am in outside lane, out of knowhere the lane had cones on it merging into middle lane. No sign warnings. Problem was i was overtaking a lorry.
I slammed brakes on and took a cone out damaging the wing,headlight drivers side, I fixed that. 3 days later was sat in traffic on a23 and my gf said oh look a police chase i lookt briefly across lane and then everyone in front slammed breaks on, i then went into the back of someone lightly damaging the new wing and same headlight. .
I fixed it
2 days after the next new wing and light were on i was on the way to cinema. A bus was charging across lanes and swerved and took my front end out again, car was trashed. Apparently there was a fight on the bus.
So i sold it as parts and got my Mitsi Evo i have now.Not had an issue with this one since.

weeks later i had a look at the weird gearbox that was jamming and found a random ball bearing in there from an old rebuild it had had 8 years ago before i had the car. It had basically been falling in and out of the selector forks. grrr

Originally Posted by s13eater View Post
i wished my cams cost only £130 each, i must have c*nt wrote on my head

Last edited by PukkaSilvia; 19-06-2010 at 15:02.
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