Cheers mate it was at elvington airfield in york.
It was all a bit mad really ,it was snowing on the way down and i daftley expexted a high 13. Who was i kidding. No grip and big side wind, you could actualy feel the wind when you changed gear.I even left all the ice in and a boot full of shite

There were bikers going down leaning to one side, mentle to watch i tell ya.
I reckon the silvia's are a heavy motor and i don't fancy running any cheating gas, so we will see what it is like later in the year. just going to get the back end a bit higher and stiffer, some stickier rubber and empty all me junk out of it and see what its like.
I saw on an old thread that you liked the idea of putting your motor into and smaller lighter car.Good idea was thinking of doing it when the body on my dies of the devil that is rust( not that it has much at the moment),What motor were you thinking of?????