Thread: Help needed
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Old 29-08-2010, 20:38
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Cheers guys,
Shaun did you mean forgies and steel rods in the ET as an upgrade? What would be the cost of these and where from? Would they be S13 items?

Would you recommend stripping a DET before putting it in? and what would you check for and change?

300 quid is labour only. All parts would be ontop.
It had the head skimmed, all new belts, thermostat, waterpump, belt tensionerwhen he (Same Guy) did the head gasket.

Would you change big end bearings also and renew headbolts and head gasket again?

Is there such a thing as an S13 Piston, Rod and Girdle upgrade.

Can anyone else give the Pro's and Con's of changing to DET and the change in characteristics of the car, good and bad.

What area cost wise should I be looking at for at a DET swap?
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