Thread: Help needed
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Old 31-08-2010, 14:13
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paulsilv paulsilv is offline
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paulsilv is an unknown quantity at this point

Just been offered these on SXOC,

What do you think?????

Hi mate,I'm not sure if it's a CA18DET engine you're wanting or not.
I have a CA18DET engine and gearbox. The only thing I don't have for it is a T25 turbo and an ECU. These can both be picked up easily on these forums. T25's come up all the time and a guy on Driftworks sells chipped ecu's pretty cheap. The wiring loom etc is all there though. The engine has just had a top end rebuild at a cost of £250. I split the car though as I needed the cash but I still have this left. I also have a couple of prop shafts a spare gearbox and a standard,unwelded diff along with a couple of other bits and bobs.

hi mate ive got a good ca18det,its from an auto with 66k on the clock.although i have no further history on the engine.

it comes with all ancilleries ie:starter,inlet,altenater,exhaust mani, turbo!

it will come with a box full of origional intercooler pipes if needed,and intercooler.

id like £250.

if you need a loom i have an auto 200sx which is due to be scrapped,your welcome to remove anything you like from it free of charge,
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