Thread: Wiped!
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Old 23-09-2010, 17:00
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Default Wiped!

hi all, as you may have noticed, our wiper blades don't fold back. the other day some clown has tried to pull mine back when my car was unattended & they have snapped the plastic clip that attaches the blade to the arm

i've tried Halfords & they dont stock it & belive this old fixed position style is no longer manufactured, all modern wiper arms are hooked on the end!

does anyone know where i can get replacement wipers from as i've had to cable tie mine back together as a temp means so i can still drive in the rain

custom front coilovers, -40mm rear springs, de-spoilered, Bailey dump valve, induction kit, mocal sandwich plate with oil cooler, OMP deep dish steering wheel, unknown jap 14x8" slotmags from 1976
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