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Old 29-10-2010, 09:25
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Draconis Draconis is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Tacoma WA
Posts: 371
Draconis is an unknown quantity at this point

Thank goodness it wasnt only me. I have been looking at that site for a while now trying to gather information and part numbers for an FJ that is going to be built up here in WA and havent had as much traction as I would have thought. I am just thankful that the owners of BMI Racing (Adam and Sarah Burgess) are good friends. I am not 100% if they have the time to help, but Adam knows a lot about the FJ and even know Ben D when he still had his S12 back in the day. Possibly talking to them may prove helpful for some of you blokes. They are under BMI Racing on FB if that helps any.
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