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Old 06-02-2011, 23:21
sunny1600 sunny1600 is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Posts: 131
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Wednesday 02th february 2011

Early rise, at 8 in the morning I was at my mate's place to collect my S12 Grand Prix in Stützengrün (Germany) About 700kmh's from my place.

Tom Tom said it would take about 9hours drive with speed limitation of 90kmh

Crossed through the whole of Germany with Patrol and trailer

At certain point even dumb dumb (tom tom) lost track

After some hours we came in the direction off Dresden.

The road kept getting smaller, but the Nissan Patrol was still going strong

In the end, after alot of time, random shit chat, shitty coffee and strong diesel we arrived in the small town.
Look around and there the S12 stood

Instand "crush" again

Took a quick peak below the car and the seller came with a half liter of beer.
Started the S12 GP for a moment to see how it runs, testdrive was a problem because of the snow. Lots of it.
Snow and RWD is fun, but not for testride.
Looked in and underneath the car, the previous owner had put new pistons and camshafts in it, according to the seller. So that will be checked.

Car stood still for more then 10 years (suspended)

Car on trailer and then we went into their shed with some typical stuff. Beer, naked posters of ladys, frozen beer and torched beer to unfreeze it.
We also did one beer there and then went home for a long way back.

It had became dark, and after the usefull pitstops, we arrived home.
Parked the car, did some S12 test driving and went home with the mazda 323 (my other car).

I was in bed at 4 and was totally broken.
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