Thread: Hullo (again)
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Old 27-02-2011, 16:55
ScoupeS12 ScoupeS12 is offline
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ScoupeS12 is an unknown quantity at this point

Also there are a couple of things i'm trying to remember from my last s12, and I've had a search and I'm struggling!

1. Will S14 from calipers bolt straight on? (obviously with the right pads and flexi's)

2. That rediculous little valve on the back of the inlet's a 3/4 BSP plumbers blanking plate that fits into it isn't it?

3. Is it 10psi you can run safely with no intercooler? and 12psi with? I can't remember for definate

4. The facelift (little side lights) does have a rev limiter... doesn't it?

5. They do have back-lit speedo/techo/etc? ...'cos mine don't work...but the interior light does :P ...job for next weekend!
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