Well as the title says its time for the dreaded m.o.t. i need to get some questions answered before i go about doing somthing that could be solved by somthing simple.
the car itself has done around 83000 give or take a couple of hundered and its not being runnning particularly well. I run it on bp sup/unlead but the engine pinks like fook under heavy throttle so if im cruising along at 50 and put the boot down when the gaerbox gears down (its an automongo) it sounds like some 1 shaking a bean can full of stones. its been like that since i bought it but i figures if i dont boot it it wont happen alls well that ends well (kinda). Is this fixable ive been told retarding the igntion can help is that true?
Recently wen i start it up in the mornings itll cut out unless i keep my foot on the revs slightly. Could this be the auto choke?? does it have an auto choke? lol
You might be thinking this has sweet F all to do with mot
But as stated it wen in today i work as a car valeter in a large car sales chain so i get mots half prices so i figured id get it done in the work.
When the tester took it into the workshop within about 5 mins of the car running it filled the workshop with smoke

which is an automatic fail even with no emmissions test. He said that theres 2 things it could be its eather the Valve stem oil seals or the piston rings. im pretty much a novice when it come to dignosing engine problems. does any1 have any simliar problems ?
bit of a story to read through there but ive tried to be as descriptive as i can. I hope some1 can help as i love my sivlia and the body is in tremedous condtion. just the engine giving me greif.
Thanks guys