well had a look this morning and this is my findings had a look at the cutting out whilst driving and figured that the fuel pump was being starved on low fuel (just above the red) as the wee catch tank thatfeeds the pump wasnt filling as quick as it should due to all the mucky deposits. so my dad and myself pumped all the fuel out and got all the shit stuff out and cleaned up the inside of the tank and put the fuel back in. seems to be running sweet now no more cutting out etc. (ive got pic to post up later this evening if not sunday).
We also had a look at the smoke bout five mins idleing. So we cleaned up some of the sensor connections etc and hooked up compression tester heres the results
Cylinder Dry Oiled
1 110 125
2 100 120
3 100 130
4 100 120
The dry run was taken with a battery without full power the oiled ones were taken with a battery charge whilst taking a jump from my dads triumph herald. He says that should be a average result. Hes got a colortune interesting bit of kit its older than me! basically u put it in the 1st cylinder spark plug hole and connect the ht lead onto the top of it and it lights up blue if its running rich and orange if its running nicely. We put it in and started the car and sure enough it started and was running blue which means the cold start is working as after a couple of mins once it had heated up it turned orange mens is not over fueling which can only really leave the turbo seals or the valve stem oil seals.
So thats my intersting morning. i wouldnt no were to start with the turbo seals is it a easy job?
Thanks for everybodys help its really appreciated. Ill get the pics up of the fuel and all the particals we took out the tank couldnt belive how much of it there was lol.