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Old 20-03-2006, 00:39
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30psi 30psi is offline
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30psi will become famous soon enough

I fitted those pads today and before they've even bed in I instantly noticed how much better they are then the standard nissan pads. I can defo do the Romford ring road and the Bramble Lane sprints with more late braking confidence.

I actually can't believe what I did as well. I refitted my 17's on the back after blowing them up at xmas. Looked at the car and thought it just had to be washed. Its probably the dirtiest car I've seen in ages. You couldn't differentiate the black strip on the rear bumper from the red. It was all black. It hadn't been washed since September a few weeks before the smash. Anyway 2 buckets later and its clean.
This aerial shot taken space doesn't really show quite how dirty the old cow was:



Last edited by 30psi; 20-03-2006 at 00:42.
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