Thread: inspired!
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Old 20-03-2006, 19:33
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Default inspired!

right i have finished spitting my dummy out and im on a mission to finish silvia off before my big day (12 august 2006). I have designed me a manifold and im off to a stainless steel pipe place in worcester to get the bits this weekend or next weekend. Apparently they have lots of bends and shapes so im hopefull. It is a bottom mount as my theory is less piping to go round equals less lag? is this right or wrong? Have got hold of a brilliant tool that files down welds and ports out stuff a treat. Doing my standard manifold at the moment and it really does take off the crap. Will this make much difference on a standard manifold ?????

In contact with turbo technics as im thinking of a variable vane turbo in a t34 format. They havent finished this design yet but might want to test one and i said i would be happy to ablige! This is not set in stone yet. If no good do i go t3 or t34??? answers on a postcard

Could do with someone errrr cough cough 30psi to fit me a piper cam and vernier. i will obviously pay you matey and could try to come to you if thats easier.

I will post my piccy up of my manifold design if anyone is interested? ps any help on my silvia is always appreciated!!!
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