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Old 31-05-2011, 23:25
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paulsilv paulsilv is offline
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paulsilv is an unknown quantity at this point

Think I've found the info I need if someone can confirm I am right.

the 4 wires from the ignitor that go to the coilpacks are the ones you splice 4 diodes onto then join the "cathode" (striped) ends together and join them to one wire which you run to your tacho. There is a light green wire at the back of the tacho, which you cut and join to this wire. You have to remove the instrument panel to get at the connector that has the light green wire in it.

in the pics above there is a light green wire on both plugs into the back of the instrument panel, is it the one on the right as you look at it?

The stripe on the Diodes is towards the tacho, as the current will only flow in that direction.

Someone on Club S12 has spliced in to the tach gauge signal wire, which is part of the S12 primary transistor wiring harness, down near the maf location. Where is this and which wire is it?

Find the blue/ black wire from the small white s13 plug. connect a wire to it, and run it up behind the instrument cluster. Next snip the purple/ white wire behind the cluster, which is the temp gauge signal wire, and connect the wire that you ran up to the cluster side of the purple/ white wire.

Last edited by paulsilv; 31-05-2011 at 23:39.
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