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Old 25-06-2011, 21:21
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paulsilv paulsilv is offline
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paulsilv is an unknown quantity at this point

I thought if I replicate what is already there and just fill in the few missing frazzled bits it will be easier for me to get my head around.

Would I be right in thinking 10Amp inline fuses should be added in the wire direct from the battery, and inbetween each 30PIN and in the wire that runs to the fuel pump? as there are none present at all.

It seemed to run fine (although a little lumpy) until I fizzed it.

Is the link between Pin 30 and Pin 86 on the F relay correct??? Looking at the picture and the relays again on the car, there is no evidence of a wire link between them.

Really need PUKKA to come on and let me know how he wired it, so I can Replicate it again.

Last edited by paulsilv; 25-06-2011 at 21:52.
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