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Old 21-07-2011, 11:09
sunny1600 sunny1600 is offline
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Default S12 FJ20e Some info/help needed. Several engine parts needed

Hi guys

I am looking for some info and where to buy those items.

I have just called the Nissan dealer how much these parts cost.

- breech seal 13 euro
pic added

- hose that goes from the rear of the engine to the Oil filter housing 66 euro
pic added

- complete head gasket set FJ20e 261.80 euro
- spark plug wires 149 euro
- fan belt 2x 25 so 50 euro
All prices including tax. Total amount 539euro.

I am having some trouble finding these parts on ebay. Local carshop cant provide and the dealer is well.... good but expensive.
So looking for cheaper alternatives.

Anybody got any tips/links?

Let me know please.


Last edited by sunny1600; 21-07-2011 at 11:11. Reason: pics placed
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