Thread: Hi
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Old 03-07-2012, 19:44
Nattman82 Nattman82 is offline
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Default Hi

Hey guys. Ive been signed up to this forum for ages but havn't really used it, untill now that is. My S12 has been sat in my garage for best part of a year untill I recently decided it was time to get it on the road after many half-harted attempts. As it stands its almost ready for MOT after a nitemare situation trying to find a new rad for an auto, not fun. Ended up with a new S13 rad, which left the issue of the auto-box oil cooler as the standard auto rad cools it via a channel at the bottom of the rad. Anyway I ended up with a brand new Genuine Nissan oil cooler courtesy of a mate and after much headscratching managed to get it bolted in.

So as it is today im waiting on a silicone hose with a 60-50mm reducer in my attempt to try and tidy up the bodge the previous owner left me. Once I have that its all systems go for the re-build of the boost pipework and hopefully a new set of alloys and just a little bit of general tidying up, replacing hose clips, change of brake fluid etc then off to 'the man' for the dreaded MOT.

So watch this space.....
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