Rite, wee update. Fine in the way to work thismornin but fuckin nitemare on the way home. Pulled the fault codes off the ecu and got code 22 which is fuel pump. So Im gonna investigate that area first, check wiring, relay etc before replacing the pump. The iregularity of the fault had me a bit perplexed, like I say it was spot on thismornin on the way to work but n the way home it would barely move. Symptoms consistent with my old xr3i just before the fuel pump threw in the towel so im pretty confident ive found the fault. Just need to be 100% before forking out £75 on a Walbro pump.
Related quiestion, are all the Walbro pumps the same? See some with specific fitting kits but closest to the S12 is an S13 DET kit. Would that do the job and are they hard to replace?