Thread: Odd Misfire
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Old 03-08-2012, 19:47
Nattman82 Nattman82 is offline
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Now heres a thing. I was out probing around today with the multi-meter and discovered one of the wires in the fuel pump loom had a pretty severe kink in it. Straitened the kink out and fired the ol girl up, fired up no prob (normally needs a bit of throttle and runs lumpy for a few mins) took it for a drive and it drove absolutley perfectly, no hiccups, lumpyness, misfires, nothing. Let it warm up and still fine. Now im very confused. I refuse to believe that the kink in the wire was the cause of all my problems. Only time will tell, need to take it to work and back tomorow so will see how it performs then.
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