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Old 28-11-2012, 21:43
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CNHSS1 CNHSS1 is offline
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Ok, my two penneth.

The ET sump is a better design imho than the later det version. In my opinion nissan were worried about the 16v head reatining oil and not draining back to the sump so the added loads of louvres in the splash plate to allow oil flow back into the sump pan, and cut away more material around the pick up too. Trouble is that when the grip and or performa ce is increased, the oil can forced away from the pick up under cornering/braking etc. The louvres also allow the oil to surge to the back of the pan and away from the pickup under hard acceleration.

If you are using a det sump, i reckon closing up every other louvre and added a plate around the pickup copying the ET version.

If you add wings, be careful, as you will need trapdoors that are sprung ( see niscorts posts or the ally greddy SR winged sumps) or the extra oil will just surge and end up splashing all over the crank causing other issues.

Ive bought an accusump instead, just to give 10-15seconds of oil direct into the main gallery if i get surge

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- Steve McQueen
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