Yup, Just in is S12Silvia.com's calendar for 2013! And just in time for the holidays. This year 10 countries are represented and are all different than last years.
S12Silvia.com 2013 Calendar
Oh, and if you didnt get a chance to order last year's calendar, you still can. The only difference is that the dates will be 2013 of course but no worries, it is the 2012 Edition calendar. So why not? Pick up two calendars. Most people could use more than one calendar anyway.
S12Silvia.com 2013 Calendar: 2012 Edition
And as for the S12s used from the 2012 calendar, you can now get them in the form of Greeting cards & Postcards, Prints, and Posters! They vary in size and option but a great addition to be able to add to one's garage wall! Follow the link below for a complete listing of all 12 available:
S12Silvia.com Portfolio - S12s for your decoration!