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Old 20-01-2013, 15:48
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CNHSS1 CNHSS1 is offline
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: shrewsbury
Posts: 606
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ok, so now youve wetted my appetite and ive been looking at bloody nissan diesels on google, wiki and ebay lol.

few questions

have you pics of the diesel rods? are they beefy enough to run big power? dont fancy the guy that used shot peened CA20 versions, they are too weedy!

also have you pics of the CA20 and CD20 sumps please?

i can see some scrapyard hunting soon and a garage full of more old engine bits!

did the guy contact you re teh crank brace?



Racing is life. Everything else, before and after, is just waiting.
- Steve McQueen
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