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Old 28-03-2006, 20:58
nassin obrut nassin obrut is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: cornwall
Posts: 19
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Default new boy out 2 play

bonjor peeps i am on a quest 2 collect much knowlage about the mighty silvia ive just brought 2 of them 1 has been rolled but the other is a beaut 80 thousand miles 1 owner from new both cost me 200 nicker GEM! hope some of u could b so kind to point me in the dirrection of ways 2 mod my new baby as ive always had v dubs (livin in corwall does it 2 ya!) in the past apart from my 1984 toyota corrola

would appreciate any help on sortin out my interior not feelin the nissan blue i have and is it true that a s14 turbo goes straight on?

im kelloggs by the way hope to talk 2 ya's all soon

Last edited by nassin obrut; 28-03-2006 at 21:07.
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