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Old 10-03-2013, 19:47
XortioN.BE XortioN.BE is offline
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Posts: 15
XortioN.BE is an unknown quantity at this point

@caz4244, Let's hope I'll be able to make that deadline. But I'm not gonna rush, rather quality then quick finish

@thenomisf, true. But I'm still thinking about what color I should paint him :P I'm thinking of combining black or brown with white (panda style).

@bidgaves12, hahaha. Do I update this topic or is there a place to put my project?

Anyhow, some updates:

Almost ready with my preparations to sandblast the engine bay and get rid of the annoying rust! :devilsidesmile:

I removed the gas tank

Painted the brake booster

Also did a road trip of 400km for some parts, but well worth the drive!
- ACL bearings
- Refurbished T28 turbo
- HKS filter
- APEXI S13 intercooler
- S13 engine dampers (not in the pics)

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