Is the fuel pump running ? I am guessing you have pump but injectors aren't firing ?
The ignition switches often go stupid on these cars, so check its making connection on all pins. If not you may be able to feed the ECU a start signal on the right pin to see if it fires up ? Should just be 12v I would have thought.
Also, pull out your fusebox and check the red and blue wire is attached to the post fuse side of the fuel pump fuse. Can cause similar problems!
if pump isn't running
In the boot, in the right hand side (drivers) "cubby box" you can remove the "bowl" and reach into the rear wing. You will find two connectors that come up to the fuel pump.
Measure the positive feed, but make sure the ground of the multimeter is connected to the chassis, not the ground on the connector. You should have 12v.
The ground for the pump is voltage limited by the ECU to slow the pump at idle conditions, use a clip lead or bit of wire to short this ground to chassis ground. This will stop the ECU from being able to control the fuel pump.