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Old 22-07-2013, 14:29
bigdaves12 bigdaves12 is offline
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Default Turbo Oil Leak:mad:

So i found a little puddle of oil under then engine bay, traiced it to the turbo oil line that goes to the sump.

So i figured I'd get the turbo off, which means getting the manifold off. All i can say is that manifold nut is an ABSOLUTE C**T to get off. Spent 4 hours messing with it and in the end lifted the engine out to get it off (the ghetto way, 4 guys, a scaffold pole and some rope). At least i can give the engine bay a tidy up too now.

So the leak is as shown, havent really had a chance to pin point it but though I'd post in case anyone has come across this before

It was dripping down this pipe and onto steering rack etc -

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