re no fire up condition: Update
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Here it comes!
Last time posted I had been hit with a no fire up problem. This has now been resolved insofar as the ECU loom had an issue. The issue was Electrolysis! This is a really dirty word as it affects all interconnects in a system where there is air, water and leckkie (electricity). On the main loom that adjoins the ECU loom the feed to the ECU and the Injectors had been badly affected and a connector strip and rebuild was necessary, added to that I ended up repairing the ECU loom by cutting back and re terminating with New EV1 connectors for the injectors , coolant sense, Aux Air valve drive add nauseum......
Now, the engine fires on the first turn but does not sustain so a look in the Fuel pump dept showed 12V to be there but continuous drive. I have been rained off by the weather at present but will update you all as soon as.
My advice to all who run Silvias at this time would be to Check all loom connectors and repair / replace where necessary, it is not enough just to scrape clean the lucar male and female halves....Replace them as they do not hold up well to semi repair effort.