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Old 01-08-2013, 17:21
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johnny485 johnny485 is offline
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Hi Nomisfire,

First off, many thanks for your load up of the 200sx manual, it does indeed have more than my manual relating to EC sections mentioned in your earlier

The original fault (just to give you some history) was a no start after parking. Upon turning the key through acc, ign, all was there, when advancing to S everything on the board just died out. I returned the key to ign and push started her and got home. shortly after I by passed the S portion of the key start and wired a switch into the starter and all ran ok whilst turning the key to ign position ( i could live with that). The progressively she began to get more and more hestitant in starting. In some cases she started and run then during operation on rainy days she cut out. The cut out felt like poor fuel flow and a gradual degradation in power before shutting down.

There was a repair to the block connectors under the washer bottle as the start signal runs to / from the gearbox loom. Shortly after, the ECU loom as previously stated was repaired and new ev1 connectors / pins fitted.

In answer to your question about how long does the engine run; it fires up as a burst for a second or two then dies. If I hold a little bit of throttle it runs for aprrox 2 to 3 seconds max then dies.

Other than checking the super multiple junction and various other related connectors and relays which all check out, that's pretty much where I am at the moment.

Currently I have ordered a raft of new lucas spade and sockets with some new blocks to replace anything else on the affected looms just to ensure there's no chance of any unusual uglies raising their heads. I wish to keep the looms as original as possible whilst minimising to the absolute minimum the need for bypass wiring in the chassis.

I hope this gives you a flavour of what's been going on lately.

Thanks and kind regards,

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