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Old 21-12-2013, 16:16
Hood rat Hood rat is offline
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Posts: 19
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Default Just finnished my dream and it almost got me

Well I've done a det swap on my s12 daily in a week. I rented a car an set about with my dad and a best mate det swapping my car in a week with a twist. I do overtime till 8 pm so after that was the spanner time long story short I did it.
I loved it, the car was great performance great,speed great,noise great. Although on my way to work on Tuesday morning after having the dream for less than a full 3 days. At 6 am at a speed of 35mph in a 60 I hit a patch of black ice went into two trees and wrote the car off. I have spent the last week in intensive care and would like to say every one at the nhs you did great and I was well looked after.
I'm gutted the car has gone but so pleased I still have my wife and the air I breathe.
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