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Old 07-03-2014, 20:10
dlongmu dlongmu is offline
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Default Ign timing query!

OK, standard timing is mark number 5 on the arrow (15deg). I set the car to this and it runs okay, sounds a little rough - but when you get to 2-3k and put the foot down there's a wee flat spot/delay before it revs. Same once boost kicks in, anything around 2-2.5k runs pretty sh*t on WOT.

I put the timing up to 25 degrees roughly (past mark 6) - full advance on the dizzy, and it runs much nicer to the ear, but could this be harmful to the engine even if I don't hear pinging? I've put it back to 15 for the moment.

I'm going to replace the Lambda sensor, and already checked the intake side for vacuum leaks/intake leaks - all clear.

Cheers fellas!
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