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Old 09-04-2014, 10:13
Westerlund Westerlund is offline
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Thanks for the great input!

I will re-grind the cam then, and a friend of mind works on the cylinder heads on the local engine shop, but he only shimes the heads and grind valves no big experience with porting, but i will leave my head to him so he can clean up the ports a bit as he have tools for it.

I will see if i can get a CA20 intake for it with forward facing throttle body, i want my engine to have a stock look and no big custom intake.

I can consider to run a custom exhaust manifold but building a downmount manifold and wrap it with heat bandage so it's not that obvious that it's a custom manifold.

The silvia s12 is quite rare in Sweden, most of them have been taken by rust etc so not many swedes do anything constructive with them so there is wery little knowlege about the CA18ET engine when it comes to tuning beyond a t25 turbo and a Saab IC, so i am happy for every Good information i can get about this head/engine.

I have read the basic thread on the ca18et tuning on this forum (very good info) and a bit on, but often when someone wants to build on a ET head everybody starts asking why he dont use a DET head...
In-areas of giving some constructive feedback about the 8valver.
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