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Old 07-05-2014, 15:40
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CNHSS1 CNHSS1 is offline
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: shrewsbury
Posts: 606
CNHSS1 is an unknown quantity at this point

AFMs a good shout, as is the wiring to the AFM which ive had fail.

if its revs based, could be voltage related, check earths to block and to ecu. Ensure battery is 110% good too.

try unplugging each plug lead in turn and seeing if that has any effect, do the same with the injectors

if it doesn't feel 'electrical' check fuel pump and filter, good be a goosed pump or clogged filter, restricting flow of fuel as the rom and fuel requirement rises

Racing is life. Everything else, before and after, is just waiting.
- Steve McQueen
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