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Old 18-05-2014, 20:02
bigdaves12 bigdaves12 is offline
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Default Auto ca18et backfiring, no power... help!

So I bought the clean ass s12 that was advertised recently. Drove it back around 200 miles!

I've not driven an auto s12 before, but this has NO power. When accelerating it refuses to rev up past about 3000 rpm then I have hear a pop from the engine bay, possibly a backfire? I was told the dizzy was not for this engine and is 1 degree
out, could that cause this?

I got a refurb dizzy with the car, what do I need install it, a timing light?

I'll upload a video of what happens later, I thought I'd mention when neutral it does rev up fine and smoothly

Last edited by bigdaves12; 19-05-2014 at 10:17.
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