Thread: Lost all my oil
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Old 04-04-2006, 21:24
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Default Lost all my oil

I lost all my oil today. i first saw it all over my gearbox bell housing. I had to drive 15 miles with the oil not registered on the dipstick. I took the coil pack cover off the centre and there was oil puddles in where the spark plugs were. So i took the exhaust cam cover off and found the gasket was split where a centre coil pack cover fixing had snapped off weakening the seat for the gasket. this little shard of cast ally is now floating about in a oil jacket in my head. its not anywhere near the cam/tappits though,but still very bad. Its lost for good in there.....I felt round the back of the head and there wasnt obvious traces of a path where the oils got down to the bellhousing. the head is resonably oil free from touching it(i cant see round the back) . But around where the head bolts to the block in the back exhaust side corner there is loads of oil still there.

SO........ ive fixed the cam cover gasket and need to buy oil and drive it tommaz. I will have to find out if the corner oil gallery has blown clean out through the head gasket.. Its all very annoying and im getting rather fed up with the stupid car at the moment. i feel like kicking its back doors in dry

Originally Posted by s13eater View Post
i wished my cams cost only £130 each, i must have c*nt wrote on my head
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