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Old 21-08-2014, 07:43
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Originally Posted by PukkaSilvia View Post
what immobilizer is it?

i would temporary bypass it and see if that makes a difference. most after market ones are cut in line behind the key cylinder. If it is cut into both your starter wire and your ignition wire then it could well be a faulty immobilizer ecu

it would be my first port of call .
I'm with Pukka on this.
My Eunos had a period where it would just cut out at random times, I checked everything, it sent me mad. By chance I found I could make it cut out with having the steering wheel at a certain angle, it was a loose earth on the immobiliser and it looped down near the steering column, when a joint on the column hit it, it would move it just enough to cut it out!
Nipped up the earth and it was sorted.
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