Originally Posted by northerner
Have you checked the fault codes on the ECU, are the plus/coils firing properly?
All codes are clear on the ECU, it did have the knock sensor error, I've gotten a fresh length of shielded wire and wired it up, that code is gone and it ran a bit better.
Originally Posted by s13eater
any cracks in or boost pipes off ? fuel pressure reg, fuel filter blocked, injectors,spray carb cleaner around inlet manifold gasket and around boost pipes, see if the revs go up.
Boost pipes seem ok but I haven't properly tested for leaks with a compressor etc. Tried the carb cleaner around the piping, no change.
I did speak to Elliot who I bought my Mk1 from, he had an s13 det he told me to bypass the boost solenoid and go from the back of the intake straight to the FPR, misfires a lot less. Still feels like a small misfire on idle but no where near as much. Misfire is only there on acceleration at around 1200 - 1500 rpm. After that it's sweet.
EDIT: Oh yh, it's now MOT'd. Passed with flying colours no advisories!