You wouldn't believe the amount of time I spent looking at diff info online, R180, R200, which car what size etc. In the end I took my diff out and apart and measured everything then cross referenced it with what was available to buy, Quaife do one as well but after their tech guy was nice enough to talk through it all with me, he said if I was drifting as well as tracking, the Kaaz one would be better as the Quaife one is never truely locked.
It does drive amazingly well now, S13 brakes and knuckles, S14 tension rod brackets and Japspeed LCA and Tension rods, all mixed up with a BC racing kit.
If you do get yours on the road give me a shout I'd love to get some more S12s on the S12 stand at Japshow at Santapod, I've still got some ?10 tickets left as well