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Old 09-04-2006, 16:20
cassius cassius is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 3
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Default Nissan Stanza camshaft for the S12?

I have searched all over the swedish scrapheaps (not literally, they have a website you can search at ) And there is not one Bluebird 1,8 there!!

How ever there are a couple of Stanza 1,8's! Is it the CA18 engine in those as well? The ones I have found are carburator powered. But if it's the CA18 (as I think it is!) Is it the same cam in those as it is in the Bluebird 1,8's?

I sent my cam to the UK but it got lost on the way so i'm looking for something else, not necerelly a new CA18ET euro spec cam!

Does anyone have the specs on the "bluebird" cam?
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