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Old 10-04-2006, 08:32
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gripo gripo is offline
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: midlands
Posts: 494
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cheers guys. cheers Shaun for the offer. I have been driving about in a 1.2 corsa for the last year. It kind of gets to you in the end. I would like to turn up to my wedding in something with a bit of umph in it.

My silvia seems to be down the road a bit in terms of putting it back together. If i was to sell it i would have to get my arse (given the right price)in gear and put it back together.

Just want a reliable quick ish car now. I have the money going into my account on wednesday for a car. Phoning up in half an hour to see whether the one i really want has been sold or not. If it has been sold there is a small part of me thats saying spend it on silvia!!!!!!! get a momma turbo and get it all right!!!!!!!! i dunno dad would kill me!!
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