Originally Posted by Pukkasilvia
I saw it at last Billing jae get the high 400s and it sounded very healthy then 
Thanks Pukka - Like I say 418 at the rears, 489-490 at the fly...
Tell you what Pukka - For Rob's benefit, can I send you my scans from Thor? - They show a healthy 442 at the rears, and that was at 28psi (On a good, cool day, she was making a little more...)
And Rob? - Sorry to disappoint you mate, but like I say, I have a smaller turbo on now - Not too happy about it at first, and pretty sure it's not making as much horsepower, but it's got a good power curve now, so until I get a bigger one again, it probably WON'T be hitting 520 again

- but hey, I'm honest about it, and mentioned that earlier, before I was asked to prove it...
Still, I'll be interested to see what she DOES make, and like I say, there'll be power graphs uploaded for the unbelievers...
Incidentally, my car owes me around £25k, BUT £11k was spent on other areas (like rip-off spray jobs, paint, bodywork, suspension, brakes - all the other stuff that goes around the engine to ensure I don't kill myself with the PROVEN 520BHP... - an' I still skimped some on the brakes, etc!)
Seriously - 1k buys you a GOOD S13 DET from Simon (rebuilt and overhauled) - £3,500 buys a state-of-the-art roller bearing tubbie and custom manifold (probably less as you guys know where to look!), but the modified gearbox (and widened tunnel), race-spec gearbox internals, clutch, prop, diff, ECU and mapping, and of course MAJOR internals work to ensure that the block, as well as the drivetrain, can handle this sort of power, costs the better part of £7k - £9k.... (and even then, I didn't change the driveshafts, and one's whining (the other got chewed into pieces by the sheer power a while ago...)...
Basically, it can be done for £14k quite easily as the parts and conversions have already been developed and tested, so cost less - Normally the argument goes "What a muppet! - Spending £14k on his engine work..." - So hey - I appreciate the change of opinion!
Seriously though - I made my horsepower on the SAME rollers, on the SAME day, as Nemesis's 450 (or was it 550?) bhp RX7 made erm.... slightly less than claimed.... (317 at the rears, upped to 330 after Thor had done an on the spot tune-up for them) - So, I doubt the figure was exaggarated for the crowds!
All the best guys, and yep - It would be nice to slap her on the rollers again - I ALWAYS do whenever Thor are at the events - I love the noise and the experience of watching people blown back when they open up the throttle - good stuff!