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Old 05-05-2006, 13:55
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Japster Japster is offline
Join Date: Apr 2006
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Posts: 163
Japster is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Pukkasilvia
It would make sence for the heading to be wrong but give them a call anyway.. By all means take me out in it.Ive been in shauns at jae last year and it was rather hectic so you should go out in that too. The thing sounded like a motorbike on boost .... Either that or a few of us can get out on the track at Rockingham at the same time and have a friendly boot round with each other
Yep - Will def. have to go out in Shaun's mowtah! - Real shame I don't have that external wastegate - May have to ask Simon if he can fit another...

I've rang Thor up, but Pete and Lyndon are out road-testing - Will ring in an hour or so...

As for Rockingham, the woman rang me back asking for engine size - Halfway through the conversation it clicked that she was gonna stick me on a track session with 1600-1800cc cars - I thought it wise to mention the BHP...

After double-checking that she'd heard right, she said that she'd check with the organiser about re-classifying me... (Didn't want 15 minutes of trying to overtake what were probably going to be MUCH slower cars
(XR3i's, RS Turbo's etc... )
Only 450+ BHP from a 1.8? (Well, until I can run big boost again ) - Still, back on the road and looking for victims - Muhaahaahaaa!....

Yep - I fookin' love me beast ...

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