I didnt plan to run higher boost than a bar, as i said untill i have the safc 2 plumbed in and the walbro etc installed. The walbro will be here this week so i best get the controller wired up.
I set my turbo up with my boost gauge that is accurate,but stuck my old one back in coz it matches my aftermarket rev clock.
Youve been lucky as a decent boost gauge came witrh yours, you know how it is , aslong as youve got one period,then you tend not to put it on your priority list especially when the car has been fine the rest of the time ive had it.
As for the gaskets yeah im using standard ones again at the moment, there fine still as all 6 nuts took a really firm gripon the new studs.
Il get a set of copper ones and fit them when i can be arsed or the standard ones blow again. I havent even mentioned the 2 engine mount bolts that ive had shear off which ive had to helicoil.
The one on the inlet side was a complete nightmare to drill out etc, my patience is wearing thin with it at the moment so it better start behaving for a while