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Old 10-05-2006, 19:33
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Ignition timing

the sayandard timing is set at 15 DBTC with standard boost you can increase this to 17.5 DBTC to give you a few more BHP`s and better off boost power. Always check for detonation!!!! After adjusting timing !!!

You can up boost afew different ways it depends on how much you want to spend.

1. Drill a hole in the pipe going from the turbo to the actuator. Start off with a 2mm hole then drive and check boost. If you want more boost increase the hole size. This is the cheapest way. This way will weaken the actuator tube ands possibly cause it to break, if it dose it could damage you turbo or engine!!!

2. Bleed valve. This does as above but you can regulate it vie a screw

3. Shorten the actuator arm. This will stop the waste gate opening fully thus increasing boost

4. Electronic boost controller. This is the safest to boost
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