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Old 14-05-2006, 23:50
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30psi 30psi is offline
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30psi will become famous soon enough

I would just like to add at this point that the peter rosenburg post was fictional as i know the person that put it up. He's been viewing this forum for ages under that name. Pukkasilvia mentioned it some time ago.


I undertook alot of research some time ago into SE.

SE Nissan Ltd, Silvia Engineering Ltd or SE Nisstek Ltd never filed accounts with Companies House.

Even if they did, they never went into liquidation. He closed up shop due to pressure from the council to move premises. He prob thought he couldn't deal with the hassle of the business anymore and decided to seize trade. IF he was running through a LTD company he could easily sell the assets to himself along with any intellectual property.

I'm sure there isn't any intellectual property for any of his products (even his top secret camshaft or igntion retard system) so no need to worry about selling bits of fibreglass.

Nisstek in Swansea - Can't remember who pointed that out but I bet my bollox (yes both!) that aint Pete Rosenburg. I'm not even going to try to find out coz I can't be arsed. I came across this name a few times when I was trying to find more about my mate Pete.
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