Thread: my s12
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Old 21-05-2006, 16:15
rpettafor rpettafor is offline
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Default my s12

i recently bought a replacement rear hatch and bonnet for the s12 cos the hatch was rusted and the spoiler had been eaten by the monkeys, and the bonnet was delaminating.

unfortunatly the paint on both the new bits had oxidised very much so, and yesterday i decided it was time to t-cut.

here are some pics of my efforts

the drivers side 'before' pic

the passemgers side 'during/after' pic

both sides together

the hatch to rest of bodywork comparison

compared to the roof

the bonnet after

the roof hatch bit 1/2 done

all done on the hatch

Yay my car is all shiny!!

was gonna wash n polish the rest of the car today
but it hasnt stopped raining yet
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