Originally Posted by s13eater
you will have to get them on the gate now rich  i hope ya turn up as its another fine example for the stand  .i know den, i need to lose some weight as it pushing my umbilical hernia out  and its very painfull, so i'll need lot of vino callapso to numb the pain 
I was on about me more mate! - I should be eating far less unhealthy sh*t...
Didn't realise that Avon event was an all-weekender, with practice sessions on Sat/Sun, and the main event on Monday...

- Will probably nip down on Sat and Monday, dependent on the weather! - those synchronised Drifting nuttahs will be there too apparently!
Only 450+ BHP from a 1.8? (Well, until I can run big boost again

) - Still, back on the road and looking for victims - Muhaahaahaaa!....
Yep - I fookin' love me beast ...