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Old 26-05-2006, 00:55
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akira2_03 akira2_03 is offline
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Join Date: May 2006
Location: Edmonton, Alberta (Canada)
Posts: 27
akira2_03 is an unknown quantity at this point

Originally Posted by s13eater
SE splitter where made for people to buy,so obviousley i don't mind, as where the side skirts like mine, they where erebuni replica's, but seeing as erebuni stopped making them,i asked the silvia god to make me a pair as a 1 off, so they can't be reproduced by him by a gentlemans agreement, other people could replicate them, as for the backlight conversion that i did, me and ken finn had the same idea around the same time, but i did it first, but ken did the conversion with a different set of lights, which is good as it ain't a copy, what i was knarked about was at the moment, i have a one off and in chesterfield its the only one to look like this and i don't think there are many left here, as for your comments about copying tim, get a life and get ya own ideas dude, don't lead a sad life, breathing off of other people,as for needing as nose cone for stability at high speeds, do you really think you will reach the speeds that this item is needed and if so you will need to drive it on a private strip, or otherwise you will be breaking the law and as you never and don't intend attending and meets, then whats the point, i must say that adzs is avin my rear light, but he is about 200 miles away and won't be seen up here, anyway, if you have been able to read another verbal dioreaha by me, then all that i can say is, you sad bastards and can i add japster, could you check if i've wrote a longer post than you lol
i hope your not mad at me too for trying the rear lights like yours, but i promised it would be a bit different but yeah im in canada so i dont think people would know or see it in uk. unless i post pics. but i'll send ya pics soon they are almost done, still trying to work out the details of how its gonna fit
1987 s12 => Under Construction
1986 s12 55k mint (ca18et)
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