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Old 28-05-2006, 05:18
indecisive indecisive is offline
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Default WANTED: Pics of FMIC mounting

hey guys, I just got a front mount intercooler today.

dimensions are:

-Total Length End to End - 25"
-Height - 8 1/2"
-Thick - 2 3/4"
-Inlet/Outlet Diameter - 2 1/2"
-Core Length - 17"

it's about the same size as the one keith(from club-s12) is using just for reference. It's a bit taller, it's thinner, and it's shorter by a bit.

What I'm hoping you can all help me out with is if you could take pictures of how you mounted your FMICs.

I just want an idea of where the brackets bolt onto and the positions they need to be in.

Thanks in advance.
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