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Old 11-06-2006, 10:24
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DriftNinja DriftNinja is offline
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Location: Ferndown,Bournemouth,Dorset
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Default S12 Ninja Project

With some nice New old rims if you get what i mean. If anyone knows what type and make these rims are i would love to know! there are no marking on them at all..

As you can see i removed the spoiler from the car that left 16 holes that were starting to rust. Might as well fix it seeing as i dont want my car to leak heh

The wing was so much of a pain to do. The rot was where the red lines are. As you can see the top of the arch has been made up but still needs a bit more work and has been sprayed with paint to find the bumpy bits.
Also you can see the bottom needs alot of work. would probably be alot easyer to get a new wing but im finding them very hard to get where i live (bournemouth). If anyone has one msg me!

Just finished the top of the boot and gave it a quick spray to find lumpy bits. bottom still needs sanding a bit but its now water tight

Next to come finish boot and wing, get small holes in the sills welded. LOWERING!
Nissan Silvia S12 - CA18ET

Last edited by DriftNinja; 11-06-2006 at 10:30.
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