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Old 19-06-2006, 18:18
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Dazmans12 Dazmans12 is offline
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Gosport, Hants
Posts: 58
Dazmans12 is an unknown quantity at this point

£350. he's having a laugh. For a non runner, Bodywork would have to be emaculate for that money. Is that the Blue face lift on Ebay.

I picked up a project car a few weeks ago for £75. It was a non runner, Been stood round for 6 yrs, however now running as it was only the Fuel pump that was the problem. However, since starting it have discovered the thermostate must be stuck as no water seams to be flowing to Rad. But bodywork under neath is solid, Just needs a drivers front wing. & the red is now a nice faded orange, so long term will need a respray. But definately been loked after as engine bay & interior is in lovely condition. So they are out there. By the sounds of it that one could turn to be another S12 that bites the great parts bin in the sky.

Take a look at the Bronze one on Ebay. Its looks fantastic. If I was in the Market for another one that's one I would consider & pay the money for. 30 psi looks nice, but needs an engine.

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